Monday, April 11, 2011

Lost Egypt- OMSI Jan. 29th - May 1st

A Demo of how egyptains were able to build the pyramids. One side is 30 lbs and the other side is 60 lbs. The 60 lbs. were easier to move because it pulled across a smooth surface.

A segment of a letter written in egyptian on display.

A display showing the history and changes of egyptian burial over time.

-Mummified ox
Egyptians also highly value animals and mummify them.

-Mummified dogs
Most mummified dogs are set in poses.

-Mummified cats
Cats are seen very highly by egyptians, and when found dead most are mummified and buried in great cemeteries.

Relics found in a tomb on display, a scarab beetle, and a gold pin.

A demonstration of a dig site, where people can find and match pieces of bones and pottery, other demos explain how bones are identified.

A display of everyday objects and a description of what they were used for.

Left: wooden box
Middle: sealed scroll
Right: sealed jar

A life size display of a camel, open for people to sit on and pose. It is currently in a kneeling position for riders to get on.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day In the life of Joseph Hau

Father Reverend Joseph Hau sits through the opening announcements and prepares for the day's mass

Father Reverend Joseph Hau reads the third reading which is the proclamation of the gospel
and goes into detail and explains the gospel

Father Reverend leads the homily, and tells us a story that connects the gospel to our daily lives

Father Reverend Joseph Hau prepares the Eucharist

After mass Father Reverend Joseph Hau greets and says goodbye as people leave the church

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

OSI 11-14 Championships 2/26/11 Corvallis OR

Swimmer practices for 100 yard freestyle

Timekeepers keep track on the sideline as swimmers backstroke for time trials

Referees meet and discusses about the previous time trial while the girl swimmers prepare

Swimmers dive in and start 100 yard freestyle as last round's competitors exit the pool

Competitor gets results from timekeeper

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Henri cartier Bresson

A photo of everyday life by Henri Cartier Bresson. This photo attracts the eyes to the rider by the composition of the surrounding geometrical cityscape. The lines draws and points attention to the rider, and shows a unique moment of this unsuspecting person's daily life.

I like this photo because of its unique many shades and textures that help make the surroundings distinct. All the while having the railings in-focus and distinct, this photo manages to point and show the main subject in the background. Due to lines and shapes that compliment the rule of thirds, the riders movement (creating a slight blur) attracts attention very well.

Monday, February 14, 2011